Thursday, March 18, 2010


When you create a research paper you should take the following steps. DO NOT leave it until the last minute; it will be impossible.
1. Choose topic.
2. Create reading list
3. Read and take notes: make sure you get COMPLETE citation information for
everything you read.
4. Decide on thesis.
5. Plan
6. Write paper
7. Create works cited page

March 17th-March 31st: STEPS 1, 2 and 3. (March 19th-April 2nd for Friday Class)
Over the next two weeks you must choose your research topic; create a reading list and read as much of it as you can.
March 31st-April 7th (Friday Class: April 2nd-April 9th) STEPS 4 and 5: Copy of Plan and Reading List due April 7th (5%)
April 7th-April 14th (Friday Class: April 9th-April 16th): STEPS 6 and 7: PAPER is DUE APRIL 14th/16th (15%)
This paper is worth 20% of your overall mark; you have been given fair warning of the schedule and I will not give an extension without a very good reason.
Please choose one of the following topics for your paper:
1. Viral marketing and online communities.
2. A Canadian photographer or artist.
3. A Canadian film maker.
4. The development of Canadian design.
5. Gaming and violence.
6. The role of the media in political change.
7. Ethics and the media in Canada.
8. SUGGEST A TOPIC TO ME: it must be Media related, and I must approve it.

Reading List: At least SIX essays, articles or books from LEGITIMATE sources (NOT Wikipedia). Remember that some of this material may be background information; not everything has to be exactly on your topic.

Length: 750-1000 words.

Format: double-spaced 12 pt font; cover sheet with your name and name of course and my name; STAPLED. Citations in MLA format (with “Works Cited” page, as per MLA).

DUE DATES: Reading list and plan April 7th (or 9th for Friday class)
Final paper April 14th (or 16th for Friday class).

Grading: Plan and Reading List 5%
Final Essay 15%; broken down as follows:
Clarity of Thesis 5%
Research 15%
Citations/Quotations/Format 5%
Structure 25%
Grammar 25%
Argument/Style 25%

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