Thursday, January 28, 2010

The following was due last week (Wednesday January 20 / Friday January 22):
1. Dream job sheet (1%)
2. Want ad based on dream job sheet (1%)
3. Cover letter; the cover letter was to either respond to the want ad OR be a letter applying for an actual program. It was not supposed to be some random thing for some job you applied for at some time.
READ YOUR INSTRUCTIONS!!!!!!!!! How can you hope to get anywhere at all if you cannot follow instructions?
If you handed everything in on time:
1. You will receive back your letter with errors circled
2. You have until next week to correct the errors and hand in the letter, but you will get a chance to work on it today in class.
3. Once your letter is perfect in terms of typos, spelling and punctuation errors, or major faults of construction, you will receive the grade given on your first copy, which is based on content and structure.
If you handed in your letter on time, but were missing either the job sheet or the want ad, or both:
1. You may hand in any missing components of the assignment with your clean letter for no penalty.
If your cover letter was late:
1. I will deduct 10% total from your final grade ONLY if you hand in the clean copy on time.
2. If your clean copy is late, you will lose 10%/day from the first deadline;
SO, if you were five days late with your first letter, and your clean copy is on time, you will lose 10%. If you were five days late with your first letter, and your clean copy is late AT ALL, you will lose 50% PLUS 10% for every day your clean copy is late. Now you are looking at a big fat ZERO.

I am giving you this chance, you know who you are, because I am a SUCKER. This is your ONLY chance. I will be rigorous regarding deductions from henceforth.

FINALLY: here are excuses I consider to be irrelevant for late assignments or missing class:
“My car broke down.” Take the bus.
“My computer isn’t working.” Use one at school, or write it by hand with a dictionary.
“I slept in.” DON’T.

Have a nice day 

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