Friday, February 26, 2010



Please read the following carefully.
Write TWO internal monologues, each around two double-spaced pages in length. Each is worth 6%.
Each monologue should reveal the inner thoughts of a distinct character (different characters for each monologue.) THE MONOLOGUES SHOULD BE IN THE FIRST PERSON.
Each monologue should represent the idea “Life is Beautiful.” You may be ironic, if you like, BUT stay within your personal experience. The characters are not you, but they should tell stories, have memories, express ideas with which you are familiar.
For instance, unless you moonlight as a serial killer, don’t write about murder. The story you tell doesn’t have to be about YOU, but it should be something in which you have been emotionally involved, in some way.
If chosen at an in-class pitch meeting, the monologue will be accompanied by a 3-5 minute film made by your visual story-telling group. You will have to consider the restrictions of your cinematography experience, lack of budget etc. However, remember that your images do not have to represent your monologue exactly.

This assignment is due NEXT WEEK. Late assignments will NOT be considered for the pitch meeting in visual story telling.
You will receive your marked Monologues back in week 9 (March 14th). During that class, you will discuss your monologues in groups, consider my comments and choose one to present at the pitch meeting. I will expect you to make some edits and grammar edits on the chosen piece, which you will hand into me by the end of that class for an additional grade.

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