Sunday, February 21, 2010

Latest Assignment: Due next week

ASSIGNMENT 2: Short Story Analysis [5% of final mark.]
Due date: February 24/February 26

Closely read The Return by Sadat Hasan Manto.
Imagine this story is a voice over for a short film. Please answer the following question:
In class we saw the following methods of voice over:
1. Images support the voice over directly and tell the story we are seeing (Sunset Boulevard)
2. Images/monologue in conflict (Election)
3. Images support the narrative poetically and or thematically (American Psycho)
Describe which kind of voice over you would choose for your film of The Return. Why would this type of voice over work best to express the story? (Consider what you want to tell and what you what to show, and what you would leave out entirely.)

Length: 1-2 full double-spaced page(s)
You will be marked on your grammar, structure, and analysis of the story.

Create a character for our writing workshop (when you return from break.) The character can be as detailed as you like. We will also be working on character in class, but see what you can come up with (for sharing).

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